How Latinos are Presented in Relation to US identities and Norms?

Dora is not vastly different than your "normal" Anglo child. She is too young for many of the adult Latina stereotypes to be applied to her. Despite the fact that she makes it clear she is a bilingual, first and foremost she is a little girl who loves adventures. The other human characters also appear to do activities which seem unified across ethnic boundaries.

Camille's Comments: 
Although on first glance the expected audience for Dora is narrowly tailored, it attract a difficult audience. Attempting to appeal to Latin@s alone is a challenge because there are people from many different countries and at varying levels of acculturation/assimilation. At the same time, the show must appeal to Anglo children. Creators had to attempt to find a balance between the two. For some viewers she is probably too Latina and for others not Latina enough. I think creators put a lot of effort into showing that Dora is different in some aspects, she is bilingual and a Latina, but that she still possesses many of the same values and interests of all children. Dora and her friends are depicted as equals and just as capable as anyone else. There are not evident signs in the show of trying to revert back to the status quo.