The Use of Spanish

Dora the Explorer has gotten attention worldwide. It stimulates interest in children to learn not one but two languages. Creators took advice from educators when it came to adding in this second language. The belief holds that the introduction of a second language before the age of six or seven can greatly impact ones ability to achieve fluency. Therefore, Dora, stands as an introduction to a foreign language for many of the viewers. This first encounter may be just what children need in order to spark and interest in them to learn either more Spanish or approach other foreign languages comfortably. Dora's use of Spanish may also motivate Spanish-speaking children to take pride in their language.

Camille's Comments: 
Knowing multiple languages is becoming more and more important. With the amount of Latin@s in our country rapidly increasing, being knowledgeable of Spanish is becoming necessary. I did not start taking a language until I was about 13 and did not really get into it until college. Not only is it an expansion of means of communication, I think it really makes a person well-rounded. I wish there was programming such as Dora when I was younger because it always amazes me to see my cousin speaking in Spanish. I think that this introduction to Spanish and Latin@s can hopefully help children grow up to be more accepting of different languages and people of various ethnicities. It would be truly great if this show was able to eventually have a impact on society when today's children grow older. Children of bilingual homes should always be proud to speak both languages, I think having Dora as a role model can help these children.